Occurrence and Control Measures of Rice Leaf Roller

Rice leaf roller is one of the “two migrations” pests. The larvae entangle the filaments of rice leaves into adult larvae. The larvae inhabit them and feed on the leaves, leaving only the epidermis to form white streaks. This seriously affects rice photosynthesis. In particular, the damage during rice booting stage not only affected flowering and fruiting, but also reduced grain weight and grain rate, and had a greater impact on yield. In severe cases, the yield loss could reach 60%.

Common drugs

1 Spray per acre with 80% insecticidal WP 80 g water 60 kg spray or Bt emulsion 400-600 times spray.

2 Use 100% of 50% Bataan soluble powder per acre and spray 60 kg of water;

3 Use 40% of Le Siben EC 50-100 ml per acre and water 60 kg spray;

4 Use 5% Ruijin special glue suspension 20 ml per mu and spray 60 kg water.


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