High incidence of cancer alarms for eating habits

A series of epidemiological studies completed by the Shanghai Cancer Research Institute show that in less than 20 years, the incidence of cancer in China has increased by 69%, and the mortality rate has increased by 29.4%.
The study also pointed out that excessive consumption of pigs, cattle, and mutton can increase the risk of colon cancer and kidney cancer; more intake of animal fats and proteins can lead to endometrial and ovarian cancer; pickled, smoked, sun Methods such as frying and frying eat much, and are closely related to the occurrence of gastrointestinal cancers such as the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas, as well as the occurrence of nasal cancer and laryngeal cancer. Foods contaminated with Aspergillus flavus are associated with liver cancer.
Professor Shi Kuixiong, an expert in medical nutrition at Shanghai Second Medical University, believes that dietary prevention of cancer should not only minimize the intake of carcinogens in foods, but also make the diet structure reasonable, and must consciously increase protective nutrition such as vitamins, Carotene, dietary fiber, etc. Studies have confirmed that many dietary components can induce cell death, antioxidants in some foods can inhibit spontaneous cellular mutations, and approximately one-third of cancer deaths can be avoided with practical dietary methods.
With the development of urban economy in our country, people's eating habits and dietary structure have undergone great changes. The proportion of grains, potatoes and beans in the food structure has decreased significantly, while the intake of animals and oils and fats has increased significantly. To this end, medical experts have called for the need to change the dietary habits of our residents. Cancer prevention must begin every day of life.
Which kind of dietary structure is more reasonable Each country has its own dietary structure and dietary habits. Some countries in Europe and the United States mainly use animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and milk; some countries in Eastern Europe regard grain and animal food as the most important; Japan The majority of plant foods are animal foods, while most developing countries are food-based. This is also a typical type of oriental food structure.
The food culture of our country for thousands of years has formed a vegetarian-based dietary structure with “grains for raising, five animals for benefits, five fruits for ribs, and five dishes for filling”. The protein and calories in the diet are at a low level, and various nutrients (retinol, riboflavin, calcium, zinc, etc.) are at a low level.
So, what kind of dietary structure is more reasonable? Nutrition experts believe that among the several dietary structures mentioned above, Japan’s structure of “based on plant foods and animal-based foods” is more reasonable.
How to change the dietary habits Health educators believe that we should start from the following 8 points:
First, change the concept of "Sai is fragrant." Eat lighter, lighter, and lighter.
Efforts should be made to achieve a modest degree of salt use of no more than 500 grams per month. Especially in people with high blood pressure age (40-50 years), the effect of high sodium on blood pressure is particularly obvious. High-salt diets also tend to induce cancers and other malignancies.
Second, a bottle of milk a day.
The calcium deficiency in the residents of our country is more serious. If the long-term intake of calcium is insufficient, it will cause abnormal development of bones and teeth, resulting in osteoporosis, osteomalacia, induced hypertension, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases. For special populations such as children, adolescents and the elderly with particularly high calcium requirements, a bottle of calcium-rich milk should be supplemented as much as possible every day.
Third, eat an egg every day.
Eggs are excellent in nutritional value of natural foods. Egg protein can provide extremely rich essential amino acids, and the composition of amino acids is very suitable for human needs. The lecithin in the egg yolk makes the cholesterol and fat particles in the blood smaller and keeps it in suspension. In order to prevent cholesterol and fat deposition on the blood vessel wall, there is a role in the prevention of vascular sclerosis. In addition, eggs are good sources of inorganic salts and vitamins, and calcium, phosphorus, and iron are also abundant.
Although the nutritional value of eggs is high, but one can not eat more, more food will not only be of no benefit to the human body, but will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, impeding health. In addition, eggs must be cooked before eating.
Fourth, weekly fish.
Eskimos living in the Arctic Circle have almost no diabetes, and the mortality rate of coronary heart disease is also very low. The Japanese have the lowest incidence of coronary heart disease and the lowest death rate in the world. Because the Eskimos are based on marine fish, the Japanese eat more fish than the average country. So why can eating fish can reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? With the development of medical science, it has been found that fish oils, especially marine fish, are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids have lipid-lowering effects. Health education experts believe that there are more than one fish per week on the table, which is of great benefit in preventing and treating hypertension and coronary heart disease, as well as preventing myocardial infarction and stroke.
Fifth, chicken, duck instead of pork.
Health education experts recommend adjusting the dietary structure, changing the structure using pork as the main animal food, increasing the intake of aquatic products and poultry, and using chicken and duck instead of pork as far as possible (the poultry's fat content is relatively lower than that of pork). Reduce fat intake while ensuring adequate animal protein intake.
Six, increase the intake of soy products.
As the saying goes: “To eat more beans longevity.” Indeed, soybeans are rich in nutrients, protein is 2-3 times the meat, 2.5 times the egg. Beans and soy products are ideal protein foods recommended by experts in cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention.
Seven, 500 grams of vegetables a day.
It is worth mentioning that the fiber content in vegetables is generally higher, and oncologists use vegetables as anti-cancer foods. It is recommended that everyone can eat about 500 grams of vegetables per day.
Eight, supplement mushrooms food.
Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and black fungus and other mushroom foods are one of the most recommended nutritional foods. Shiitake not only has a good anti-tumor effect, but also enhance the body's immune ability, play an anti-virus role. Unfortunately, the people of our country have long been accustomed to using mushroom food as a seasoning for cooking, rarely serving as a dish, and their intake is small. Ideally, mushroom foods should be included in the diet and eaten regularly.
The black edible fungus is known as "the best of all ingredients" and it has nourishing, nourishing, promoting blood circulation and moistening. It is a good health food. After the black fungus water is washed, slowly burn it with slow fire, then add the appropriate amount of red dates, cook, and add the appropriate amount of sugar before eating. Take a small bowl before going to sleep every day, and you will receive good health benefits.
In particular, dolls must be "omnivorous"
Meal habits should be picked up from childhood. Professor Wei Xiaoqun of the Children and Adolescent Health Teaching Research Center of West China University of Medical Sciences believes that children who “eat well” should meet the following requirements:
The first is diversity, balance, and moderation. In accordance with children's nutritional needs, they must properly coordinate with foods (ie, "omnivorous foods"), so that all kinds of nutrients are complete and balanced;
The second is to cultivate children's good eating habits from a young age, eat regularly, not picky eaters, partial eclipses, and gluttony;
Third, the meals provided for children should suit their digestive abilities;
The fourth is to pay attention to food hygiene and prevent food poisoning.
For children's partial eclipse, Prof. Wei pointed out that children who are partial eclipse adults often suffer from malnutrition, anemia, and mental decline. There are many reasons for children's partial eclipse, but there are roughly two points. First, the demonstration role of parents in partial eclipses. For example, parents do not like to eat liver, it is too odorous, and unconsciously affects children. In fact, liver is rich in zinc, iron and B2, high nutritional value. The second is a single meal, cooking a single. For example, some families have eggs and milk every morning and children are tired of eating. In fact, parents can completely change the pattern, milk can be made into yogurt, fruit milk, condensed milk, etc., eggs can be boiled, steamed, braised and so on. The formation of eclipse habits does not happen overnight. Therefore, correction must not be rushed. What is needed is love, patience and methods.
Professor Wei also specifically corrected parents' improper practices of forcing children to eat more food, and believed that children should be encouraged to eat more vegetables and fruits. Because from today's children's diet, all kinds of minerals are lack of sense, especially calcium and potassium, vitamins other than vitamin C are also easy to lack, especially vitamin A, this is because vegetables eat less Caused by.