Feeding silkworms to increase production

1. Adding soymilk When silkworms enter the fourth-year ingestion period or the third-day of fifth instar, the fresh soymilk is sprinkled on the mulberry leaves, which can reduce the use of mulberry by 10%, increase the body weight of silkworm by 5%, and increase the healthiness of silkworms. 3%, shortening the age of 2 days, silkworm cocoon production increased by more than 8%. The method of adding soybean milk is to use 50 g of soybean powder, add 1000 g of warm boiled water at 40-50°C and soak for 30 minutes to make soybean milk and evenly sprinkle on 10 kg of fresh mulberry leaves at noon and 4 pm every day. Feed each one. In the feeding process, it must be avoided with chloramphenicol, sulfamethoxazole and other drugs to prevent drug failure or cause silkworm poisoning. 2. Adding the ecdysis hormone Silkworm ecdysone is a substance derived from plants or artificially synthesized like an insect hormone. It is fed once when the normal silkworm matures at 5%, or it is used for deficiency within 2 days before the maturity of the 5th instar silkworm. Leaf or diseased silkworms can adjust the silkworm ripening period to make the silkworm mature in a consistent manner. The 5th instar age can be shortened by 8 to 12 hours to facilitate centralized clustering and management, and to adjust the balance of leaves and silkworms so that the silkworms can be matured one day earlier. The method is: Each silkworm with 40 mg of ecdysone, mixed with 2000 grams of cold water, fully stirred, evenly sprayed on the 15-20 kg of mulberry leaves, 1 eaten to eat. When dispensing, pay attention to the cleanliness of utensils and water, and use it now. If the temperature after feeding is lower than 21°C, try to warm it up. 3. Adding clear water to autumn silkworms to increase the moisture content of mulberry leaves by adding fresh water to meet the needs of silkworms, which can effectively improve the yield and quality of autumn silkworms. The effect is best for early autumn silkworms and mid-autumn silkworms. In the early autumn, the silkworms added fresh water. Compared with the fresh leaves, the total amount of eucalyptus increased by 13%, the amount of alfalfa layer increased by 16%, and the rate of alfalfa layer increased by 2.6%. Compared with the rearing of fresh leaves4, the total alfalfa increased by 2.3%, the alfalfa layer increased by 4.3%, and the alfalfa layer increased by 2.1%. The method of adding clear water is to spray the mulberry leaves with clean water (preferably well water) before and after each scab, with no dripping water as the degree, and then used to feed silkworms, generally feeding at high temperatures every noon. The humidity at night and in the rainy days is large, and it is not necessary to feed them. When the silkworms are hypnotic and satiety, they may not be fed. 4. Sprinkle the mulberry leaves with fruit preservatives and apply 50 times liquid preservative to the surface of the mulberry leaf evenly to form a thin layer of polymer membrane. Add the atmospheric repulsion coefficient to suppress the leaf surface moisture transpiration. The role of the mulberry leaves leaves the tree 24 hours later, still maintain a good degree of freshness, so that the moisture content is still between 17% -21%. When this type of mulberry leaves is fed to 5th instar silkworm, the development of silkworm can be shortened by 2%-3%, the amount of mulberry is reduced by 1.4%-1.8%, the amount of residual mulberry is reduced by 3.5%-6.8%, and the rate of wormwood is increased by 4%-6. %, 50 grams of Dried Wolfberry increase by 5%-8%, leaf silk conversion rate increased 5%, 50 kg of mulberry leaf output value increased by about 10%. The spraying method is: on the afternoon of the day before the leaves, in the mulberry garden directly 50 times the liquid preservative, spraying with sprayer on the positive and negative sides of the mulberry leaf, to spray evenly not drip down the water is appropriate. Pick up once at around 8 o'clock the next day, store it as usual and supply it for 24 hours. The sprayer used for spraying should be used exclusively. Sprayers that spray pesticides should not be used to prevent residual pesticides from contaminating the mulberry leaves and causing poisoning. 5. Spraying mulberry triacontanol with triacontanol is a novel plant growth regulator. Spraying the leaves of mulberry leaves with it not only improves the yield and quality of mulberry leaves, but also increases the constitution and quality of tannins after nibbling on such mulberry leaves. The method of spraying is to pour a proper amount of clean water in a clean and non-toxic sprayer, and then pour a certain amount of triacontanol at a concentration of 0.5 ppm and spray it onto the mulberry tree with sufficient stirring. Mulberry is Both sides must be sprayed. Per mu of mulberry spray dilution 100-150 kg, once with 50-75 ml triacontanol, spraying time in the 7-9 days before the use of leaves, the general spray once, with May is appropriate.

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NINGXIA STARLIGHT FOOD TRADE CO.,LTD , http://www.starlightfood.com