Method for producing tomato preserves

Application Number: 96115457.8 Application date: 1996.07.16
Name: Method for producing tomato preserves
Public (announcement) number: CN1170512 Public (announcement) day: 1998.01.21
Main classification A23G3/00 The original application number of the division:
Classification number: A23G3/00
Award day: Priority:
Application (patent) person: Ma Chuanyu
Address: 118301 Anyang Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Qianyang District, Dandong City, Liaoning Province
Inventor (design) person: Ma Chuanyu International application:
International publication: Enter country date:
Patent agency: Dandong Patent Office Agent: Xu Fengyan


The invention relates to a method for producing tomato preserves by using tomatoes as raw materials, which comprises the steps of selecting, washing, hardening of pulp, dehydration of boiled fruit, sugar staining, sugar boiling, sugar infiltration, drying and post-processing packaging process. The technical method has dealt well with the two problems of tomato dehydration and sugar soaking. The finished flesh is bright, transparent, sweet and sour, and has a high yield.

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