Vitamin supplement (0-1 years old)

Babies need more vitamin D and C

In the fresh milk and early solid infant foods, vitamin D and C levels are low.

If the mother eats more citrus and vegetables, mother's milk may contain enough vitamin C, but the vitamin D content is insufficient. Infants who consume condensed milk should consume 25-50 mg of vitamin C daily until they can consume 60 ml of fresh orange juice per day. Breast-fed infants can also take 25-30 mg of vitamin C daily, which is harmless and can be used as an additional measure to prevent vitamin C deficiency.

Whether the child lacks vitamins can listen to the doctor's advice. If you don't have a doctor around you, you can buy a three-dimensional liquid food that contains C, D, and A. From the month of the baby, you can feed him 0.3CC every day, whether it is summer or winter. Some doctors recommend feeding 0.6cc, but do not exceed this amount because excessive vitamin D can be harmful to health.

Vitamin B

There is also a multidimensional liquid food that contains vitamin B in addition to vitamins A, D, and C. However, milk, cereals, and other foods for children already contain enough vitamin B, so it is not necessary to add vitamin B to infants. In addition, the prices of these multidimensional formulated foods are also high.

Orange juice

Don't give your baby orange juice 9-12 months before, because some babies are not comfortable with orange juice, and some even have a certain degree of resentment. Babies can get enough vitamin C in formulating foods. If your doctor advises you to give your baby orange juice, you can use freshly squeezed fresh orange juice, frozen orange juice, or canned oranges (sugary). The same volume of water is mixed in the orange juice, which is more gentle for the baby. One of the methods for feeding is to feed one tablespoon of orange juice and one tablespoon of water on the first day, two tablespoons on the second day, and three tablespoons on the third day until 30 ml each. Then gradually reduce the proportion of water, increase the proportion of orange juice until it is fed 60 ml of pure orange juice. If the baby is still using a bottle, you'd better filter the orange juice so that it doesn't clog the teat. Once the child eats with a spoon, you use a spoon to feed him orange juice. Orange juice is best fed to the baby before bathing, as it is from the time before bathing until the next feeding. For a full hour, the child is awake. The temperature of orange juice can be cool, it can be the same as the temperature in the room, or it can be slightly warmer, but do not make it very hot, because it will damage vitamin C.

Orange juice is not indispensable, it is a luxury drink because it costs more than vitamin C liquid. The only advantage of orange juice is that it is delicious. For infants who do not consume orange juice, they can continue to consume vitamin C fluids.
Source: Chinese maternal and infant network