"Three-high" patient food choice

How should patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia order food? You can choose the following foods:

Foods that basically do not contain cholesterol: cornmeal, millet, brown rice, tofu, peanuts, sesame, watermelon seeds, peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, sea cucumber, egg white, and the like.

Foods containing 100 mg or less of cholesterol per 100 g of diet: skimmed milk powder, jellyfish, frogs, mackerel, soft-shelled turtle, yellow croaker, lean beef, rabbit, sardine, grass carp, row fish, chicken, frog fish, salmon, grass carp, White shrimp, fat-free milk, bean paste and so on.

Diabetes, high blood pressure diet taboo of all kinds of candy, cakes, sweet bread, moon cakes, cookies, sweet drinks, jams, ice cream, etc., but also quit smoking, bogey.

Promote steaming, boiling, stewing, mixing, and halogen cooking methods, use less or no frying, frying, roasting, roasting, etc.; use vegetable oil, use as little as possible lard, butter; eat low salt, daily salt dosage Not more than 5 grams.