The dog said "dog tail red"

This year is the Lunar Year of the Dog. There are also many dogs in the flowers. "Dogtail Red" is one of them. The red inflorescence of the female plant resembles the tail of a dog.

"Dogtail Red" is an evergreen shrub of the genus Euphorbia in the family Euphorbiaceae. Its plant height is 0.5 to 2 meters. Some plant species can be controlled at about 30 centimeters in height under potting conditions. The leaves are ovate, apex pointed, and edges are thick. Sawtooth, bright green leaves, slightly lighter back, petiole fluffy; dioecious, female plants with striking red dogtail spikes, up to 50 cm, 1.5 cm thick, red flowers with It was born and opened in the fall and winter season.

"Tailed Red" is native to the Malay Archipelago and New Guinea. It is warm, humid and sunny. It is not tolerant to cold and afraid of drought. Its optimum temperature for growth is 20°C~30°C, and it can be maintained in places with outdoor sunshine and air circulation, and shading in summer to prevent sun exposure. Because they like the moist environment of the air, they should always be watered to keep the soil moist. When the temperature is high and dry, they can spray water to the plants and the surrounding environment to increase the air humidity. During the growing season, low-nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium compound fertilizer or decomposed thin liquid fertilizer is applied once a week to promote the formation of inflorescences. In winter, it can be moved to a sunny place in the interior, and the temperature is best controlled at 15°C or higher. If the temperature is lower than 10°C, it will cause the plants to fall into leaves, and in severe cases, even cause the death of the plants. At the same time, it is also necessary to reduce the number of watering in the winter and keep the basin soil dry. In Northern China, because of the heating in the room and the dryness of the air, it is often necessary to spray the plants with water at a similar temperature to the room so as not to dry the edges of the leaves.

Every year from February to March, the plants are pruned once, the long branches are cut short, and diseased branches and dead branches are cut to promote the development of robust new branches. During the growing season, they should always start topping to control the height of the plant to form a plump and compact plant shape for the best ornamental effect. Every year from March to April, the pots are changed once. The pots and soils are required to be loose and air-permeable. The humus is rich in humus and can be used for rot-leaf and garden soil, and then mixed with a small amount of decomposed horse dung. After irrigating the pots, irrigating the water, keeping the plants in a place where there is no direct sunlight for one week or so, and then moving to a place where sunlight is more abundant, and performing normal maintenance.

The breeding of "Dogtail Red" is based on cuttings. The cuttings from the last year can be cut in the early spring for cuttings, and the strong and vigorous branches of the year can also be collected from May to June for cuttings. Cut the cuttings to a length of about 10 cm, retain the top two to three leaves, remove the lower leaves, and insert them in pure sand or vermiculite. Insert enough water to prevent sun exposure and keep the air and soil moist. In the environment of not less than 20°C, the treaty was established after 20 days to 30 days. Family cultivation can also insert the cuttings in glass bottles filled with fresh water in early summer. As long as the temperature is not lower than 20°C, rooting can be carried out in 2 to 3 weeks.

"Dogtail Red" is a green leaf with evergreen leaves. The dormose-like inflorescences are colourful and unique in shape. They have good ornamental qualities. They can be used as medium-sized potted plants and can be used to decorate living rooms and living rooms. They can also be found in warm southern China. Planted in the garden to watch. In recent years, branches with soft sagging, small and dense varieties of leaves and inflorescences have appeared. Merchants call it “year-old (spike and spike) red”, which means “years old and old”. This species is peculiar and full of wild interest. It is an excellent indoor potted flower in the winter. It is also a new species of medlar flower that is worthy of promotion. It is suitable for planting on desks, several racks, tops of cabinets, and also for hanging pots. It is hung in front of the windows. , swaying with the wind, very beautiful.

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