Wine and Health

· Wine contains a variety of nutrients: amino acids, proteins, vitamins C-B1-B2--B12 and other nutrients thanks to the natural ingredients of grapes and ingredients produced during the brewing process

· Can lower cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease French people like to eat high-fat foods such as fat foie gras, but the prevalence of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease in France is the lowest in European countries, thanks to French wine.

· Can help digestion and promote metabolism. Drinking wine during dinner can increase the content of stomach acid and promote the body's absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals in food.

· Wine contains phenols, which have antioxidant effects and prevent degenerative diseases such as aging, cataracts, immune disorders and certain cancers.

· Diuretic effect

· Complementing body heat, the caloric value of wine is similar to milk

· Moderate drinking, good for health: 3 cups per day is appropriate