Catfish breeding technology

Nowadays, squid has become a delicacy on people's table, and the benefit of farming squid is very obvious. Many people who started squid farming have not yet fully grasped the squid breeding technology. Now it is summarized according to many reader letters. First, scientific stocking of squid is a temperature-changing animal. As long as the water temperature is between 10-32°C, it can be stocked throughout the year. Stocking squid requires healthy physique, lively swim, no disease, no disability, and can be of any size. Due to the fact that squid has been bullied, bullied, and eatable in the absence of food, the squid raised in the same pool should have basically the same specifications. Generally, a person weighing more than 100-350 grams can be placed in the pool to be sold at any time; a person with a weight of 50 grams or more can be placed in a rearing pool, where he can grow up to the specifications of the commodity; 50 grams or less can be stored. In the seedling pool, it can grow to more than 50 grams in the same year, and it can provide large-sized species for the next year. The stocking density should be flexibly controlled according to the stocking specifications and feeding conditions. Generally, the stocking rate should be 1-5 kg ​​per square meter. Second, into the pool to prepare squid into the pool, you can apply a small amount of fermented and decomposed organic fertilizer to breed chironomid larvae, silkworm, aquatic insects and other aquatic animals, or put snails or loach in the pool, let it breed, Fresh fish for fresh fish. Where conditions permit, black lights can be set up in the pool to lure insects into the pool. Third, the feeding of the bait can be baited after 1-2 days of short-term adaptation, and the feeding amount is generally 2%-10% of the total weight of the fish. The amount of feed should be increased or decreased according to the water temperature, bait quality, water quality, etc., as appropriate. Normal feeding 1 time. Feed at 4-5 pm or in the evening. Feeding time can also be gradually advanced, domesticating its food during the day, and feeding at 1 o'clock every 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The squid mainly feeds on animal feeds and eats fresh and live fish, such as various insects and their larvae, cockroaches, small fish and shrimps, cocoons, maggots, snails, cockroaches, large-scale zooplankton, livestock and poultry organs and cockroaches, etc. . The bait shall ensure that fresh and live rancid, where there is insufficient animal food, feed some plant foods, such as bean cakes, bran or corn flour, etc., and mix the above-mentioned vegetable bait and minced fish and shrimp pupa into a wet mass ( Can be fed in water for a long time without scattering). Bigger bait should be crushed or hung in the pool and allowed to eat. Snails, river clams and clams, etc., must be crushed before shelling. The bait should be fed regularly, with 2-8 feeding points for each fish pond. The suitable water temperature for squid feeding is 15-30 °C, and there is a habit of feeding the squid. If the fish pond is covered with a plastic film greenhouse in winter or other measures are taken to increase the temperature and keep warm, the appropriate water temperature can be maintained. The carp can ingest food and grow throughout the year, thereby greatly shortening the period of reincarnation, reducing costs, and increasing output and efficiency. The residual bait should be removed before feeding to avoid affecting the water quality. Fourth, adjust the water level and water quality Because the squid can directly breathe oxygen in the air, it is necessary to often head out of the water. Therefore, the fresh fish pond water level should be shallow. The water level should be based on the size of the squid. The water level of the seedlings should be shallow, usually 10-20 cm. The rearing pool can be deep, usually 30-40 cm. The pool level for sale can be shallower. The carp is high in oxygen consumption and enjoys good water quality. Therefore, new water should always be flushed. Change the water 1-2 times a month in winter, change the water once a week in spring and autumn, change the water once every 1-3 days in summer, and change the water volume every time in 20-50%, where the conditions can be in the pool Form micro-flowing water. In the hot season, the frequency of water changes should be increased, or loofah and grapes should be planted on the pool to prevent sun exposure and cooling and heatstroke prevention. In the deeper and deeper rearing ponds, a small amount of tilapia, squid, squid, mud loach and other omnivorous fishes can be mixed, which can remove the residual feces and purify the water quality. 5. The squid species in the screening pool are competitive in time. If the fish of the same specifications and size is kept for a period of time, the specifications will be uneven. In the long run, it is not conducive to the improvement of yield. Therefore, during the growth of carp, the carp in the pool should be taken out every 1 month or so. After screening, large, medium, and small carp species will be reared in separate ponds. Before the end of the autumn growth period, all fish should be caught, and fish that has reached the product specifications should be put into the pool to be sold. Other fish of different specifications should be stocked in separate ponds according to production needs in the coming year. In this way, the adaptation of the carp species to winter can enter the prosperous stage early next year. 6. Prevention of fish diseases The carp ponds must be disinfected with quicklime or bleached clear ponds before they are planted. Alien carp must be bleached with a concentration of 1 part per million of bleach solution, or 3% salt water for 10-20 minutes after the lower pool. During the rearing period, the whole pool shall be splashed with bleach at a concentration of one millionth of a month. Dragging and peeling the skin in the pool, there is a certain effect on white spot disease and skin disease. VII. Doing a good job of protecting the carp pool The pool is shallow and shallow. When flooding new water, it is necessary to prevent the escape of fish. The surface of the fish pond should be controlled below 20 cm along the pool, and check the stability of the fishing net and the wall of the pool at any time. Especially in the absence of food, thunderstorms, long rains, or deterioration of water quality, carp is the easiest to escape. At this time, we should pay more attention to anti-escape work. In addition, ducks, rats, cats, and other predators should be protected from damaging salmon. VIII. Management of wintering After November, when the water temperature drops below 15°C, the carp begins to drill deep into the soil and enter hibernation until February-March next year. During the winter, the pool to be sold should adopt warming and insulation measures. In that year, the carp, which is not enough for commercial specifications, can survive winter in the original pool and maintain a high water level during the winter. In particular, when freezing the water surface, the depth of water below the ice should be kept at 0.3 meters or more and the pool water should be changed once a month. Drying can also be used for winter, that is, when the water temperature drops below 10°C, the pool water is drained, and the bottom of the pool covers part of wheat straw or rice straw to keep the soil moist and not freeze, and the mullet can safely pass winter. Where there is a heat source, so that the pool water is maintained at 25-30°C for a year, the squid can avoid hibernation and grow year-round.

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