Baby greedy cold drink harmful to the body

In the summer of the year after birth, the weather was very hot and it was only 10 months at a time. Every day, my family buys back a lot of cold drinks such as ice cream and ice cream. Seeing that adults are relished, they are also a little bit shy. Mom thought, how hot the weather is, how hard the kids are, and to give them a little bit of food, let him cool down.

So, my mother digs the ice cream with a teaspoon and feeds it. Little bite to eat, eat more and more energetic, can not wait to grasp the hand of her mother, so that mothers often feed their own mouth. The mother wanted to stop it in moderation, so she had to taste a few bites on the line. She refused to stop and saw her mother take the ice cream and burst into tears. My mother was afraid of crying in a hurry, a hot day, but I had to eat enough.

From then on, as long as I can see people holding cold drinks, I must not eat, and I haven't eaten enough. After waiting till there is no point in talking, no matter summer or winter, I often ask my mother to buy cold drinks for him and even eat cold drinks. As a result, the stomach was finally eaten. At a young age of over 4 years old, he got stomach problems. He often had stomach pains and he did not like to eat. People also lost weight. Mom is very sorry. A lot of similar examples, baby's parents should take a lesson.

Indeed, eating cold drinks is almost a common problem for babies, but eating too much cold drinks is very harmful to your baby's body. In fact, cold drinks aren't the best foods. Its role is limited to lowering the temperature in the oral cavity and it is not possible to change the body temperature. On the contrary, due to cold shrinkage of the blood vessels, it reduces the speed of human body heat dissipation to some extent. In addition, cold drinks often contain a lot of sugar, not only can not quench their thirst, but may eat the more thirsty. Excessive consumption of cold drinks will stimulate the stomach and intestines, reduce the baby's digestive ability, and if you eat cold drinks before eating, it will inevitably affect appetite, and in the long term it will hinder your baby's growth and development. Moreover, greedy cold drinks will also hinder the baby's throat blood circulation, reduce the respiratory resistance, make the baby prone to respiratory infections, causing inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the number and time of the baby to eat cold drinks, which can only be eaten once a day and cannot be too close to the dinner time.

The best way is to give little or no ice food to your baby from an early age, and do not become a bad habit of greedy cold drinks. If the weather is too hot, you can use other methods to cool your baby. Watermelon and mung bean soup are good choices. In other seasons, it is necessary to control the intake of cold drinks. When adults eat cold drinks, it is best not to be in front of the baby's face, but also should be modest and give the baby a good example. For babies who have developed gluttony and cold drinking habits, they should think of ways to correct them.