Bacterial dysentery diet in summer

Bacterial dysentery, or bacillary dysentery, is a common intestinal infectious disease caused by dysentery bacillus. Its clinical features include systemic poisoning, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloody stools. The incubation period is from several hours to seven days, and the onset is acute. The patient chills and fevers, and the body temperature can reach 38°C to 40°C. The incidence of this disease is highest in summer every year, and the incidence of pediatric disease is higher than that of adults. Some patients with a course of more than two months without recovery may become chronic.
In order to prevent the spread of bacillary dysentery, in addition to paying attention to environmental hygiene and personal hygiene, and developing the habit of washing hands before and after meals, there are the following taboos in the diet:
1 bogey meat juice and animal organs. Because it contains a large number of nitrogen-containing extracts, such as purine bases and amino acids. The nitrogen-containing extract has the effect of stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, and the stronger the juice, the stronger the burden of the digestive tract. In addition, there are lesions in the intestines of people suffering from bacterial dysentery, and nausea and vomiting embolism are even worse.
2 avoid crude fiber, flatulence food. Such as mustard, celery, leeks and other fiber thicker food, not digestible, leading to local congestion, edema, inflammation is not easy to heal. Milk, sugar, and soy products also cause intestinal motility to increase, leading to flatulence.
3 avoid irritation food. Such as fried, fried and salted, smoked large pieces of fish, there is a direct stimulation of the intestinal wall, so that increased damage to the intestinal wall; these foods are difficult to digest, flatulence, fever, long stay, will increase the burden of the digestive tract.
4 avoid contaminated food. Unsterilized fruits and vegetables, which are both carriers of bacteria and can easily cause poisoning, are pathogenic factors and reduce the patient's resistance.
5 bogey cold food. Such as oysters, soft-shelled turtles, pears, peanuts and other things, cold and spleen and stomach, easy to slip into the bowel caused diarrhea, so hanged.
Envy jealousy stimulate food. Leek, lamb, pepper, fresh chili powder and strong tea, wine, various coffee drinks, are all strong stimulants, causing vasospasm contraction, so that mucous membrane congestion, edema, damage, so hanged.
In addition, in the recovery of patients during the period, due to the weak stomach, still should be cold, hard, cold, creamy things, such as salad vegetables, beans, cold drinks, alcohol, fruits and so on.