Chrome-rich foods

Chromium is widely present in human tissues and the total amount of chromium in adult humans is about 6 mg.

Chromium can activate certain enzymes and can inhibit the synthesis of lipase and cholesterol, affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Chromium and Nickel enzymes and amino acids constitute the glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which is of great significance for the action of glucose. Although it is not a hypoglycemic agent itself, it can enhance the action of insulin, lower blood sugar, and improve glucose tolerance.

The daily supply of adult chromium is approximately 20 to 50 micrograms. Pregnant women need to supply more than the general population due to physiological needs. The main sources of chromium are coarse grains, meat, yeast, beer, cheese, black pepper and cocoa powder. The more refined the food is, the lower the content of chromium is, and the refined sugar and flour contain almost no chromium.