Half of the disease is due to "will not eat"

"Illness from the mouth" has a new meaning: The patient's heart and brain blood vessels and a variety of organ diseases until cancer, more than half are eaten. This is the conclusion of Sun Shuzhi, a nutrition professor at Harbin Medical University after many years of clinical investigation.

Prof. Sun introduced that high cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the north are related to high salt, high fat, and high cholesterol. Patients with Alzheimer's disease have more than half of their diet preference for vermicelli, fans, and beer. Aluminum in these foods is the main cause of Alzheimer's disease. One of the incentives; in the city of three or forty-year-old men, the incidence rate of fatty liver is about 40% is also eaten out, such patients in the food fat and cholesterol doubled than healthy people's intake; recent years, pancreatitis Gastrointestinal bleeding, gallstones, gastric perforation, and gastric bleeding were significantly increased, and were mostly due to overeating or eating irregularities. Even half of the cancers people talk about are distracting from improper diet.

Eat will eat so many problems, but did not cause people to pay enough attention. Professor Sun said that in the Harbin Medical University, almost all of the other specialist clinics were overcrowded, and the nutrition specialists with many provincial authorities were deserted. She said: "Now most people's ideas still stay on good food, but few people can think of eating science and eating health." She reminded the public to try not to eclipse, should be a reasonable intake of various types of nutrition. In particular, residents in northern regions should avoid excessive intake of high salt, high fat and sugar.