Four Seasons Begonia cultivation techniques

Ecological habits like warm, not cold, growth temperature is about 10-30 °C, slow growth below 10 °C. At the appropriate temperature, it can be flowered in four seasons, long flowering period, strong continuous flowering, and it has the characteristics of growth while flowering, leafy fleshy. Poor growth when the temperature is too high can cause burning and scorching of the leaves. Easy to climb and prone to disease. Suitable for high air humidity, moist soil environment, not dry, but also avoid accumulation of water. Hi-light and well-ventilated growing environment, but the strong direct sunlight will cause the leaves and flowers to burn, so summer cultivation requires shade of 40-50%. The four seasons are the long-day to mid-day sexual plants. When the night temperature is lower than 21°C, they only bloom on long days, but the effect of the length of day on flowering is not as decisive as that of chrysanthemum or poinsettia. The weatherability of the green leaves is stronger than that of the copper leaves. No need to take care of, use growth regulators. Variety introduced jade series: a generation of hybrid green leaf varieties, large leaves, dark green. Early birth, large flowers, flower diameter of about 2 cm, 6 kinds of colors and their color mixing. Plants are compact, about 15-20 cm in height, suitable for flower seedlings and flower beds. It is one of the most popular strains. Angel series: A hybrid hybrid green leaf system variety, which grows very early, and blooms 10-15 days earlier than other varieties. Large flower type, flower diameter about 2-2.5 cm, neat plant type, flowering period is very consistent. The basic part of the branch is very good, and it is very flowery. The birth season continues unceasingly, and the climate is adaptable and hot. Summer flower beds can be planted in the open. Variety of rich colors, there are 10 kinds of colors and mixed colors available for selection. An Qi series: A new generation of hybrid copper leaf varieties. It is a sister line of "Angel Series". Its plant characteristics are similar to "Angel Series". There are six kinds of colors and mixed colors for selection. For the convenience of flower beds, it is cultivated together with the "Angel Series" and is the best combination of landscape configuration. Seeding can be planted in four seasons, but it is suitable for early spring and autumn. Professional cultivation is generally conducted in a greenhouse. Because sowing in the greenhouse, the temperature and humidity are easy to control and the seedlings grow well. Before planting, the culture soil is ready to be placed in a sowing container, moistened by watering, and gently pressed by hand. Then, with a slender object such as a finger or a pencil, a seed belt is pressed out every 1-2 cm in the horizontal direction. Avoid the seeds falling into the gaps in the soil and avoid digging the seeding ditch. To ensure the evenness of the seeding, the seeds should be sown with clean fine sand. However, because the seed is extremely small, care should be taken not to rub it with your fingers or be blown away by the wind or the sower's breath. Do not cover the soil after sowing, the germination temperature is controlled between 25.5-26.5°C, the relative humidity is 90-100%, and the light is required. After 6-7 days, the seeds germinate one after another, and the humidity is slightly reduced to 90%. The key to success at this time is to maintain a high air humidity to prevent the death of the roots of the seedlings. The humidity of the medium can be appropriately reduced so that the root system can grow inside the medium. The medium should be made of loose materials, slow-acting fertilizers, and lightweight materials with good permeability. The salinity of the medium should not be too high, so as to avoid water stains and greening. Because the seeds are quite small, watering should be done carefully after sowing. Generally, the water mist is used to replenish the water, so as not to wash away the seeds or knock down the seedlings. After the seeds germinate, they only need to scatter light, and the cotyledons can be put on soil for 2 weeks. Pay attention to the humidity during the seedling period so as to avoid stems and roots from being rotted due to excessive humidity, and even cause down seedlings. When the first true leaf comes out with fingernails as large as it can start intermittent water control and promote long roots. The number of major roots increased significantly in the early period. The root growth period is slower than that in the upper part of the ground. When the cotyledons are affixed to the ground, they can be sprayed with 50 ppm potassium nitrate solution and 50 ppm calcium superphosphate solution. 5-7 days a fertilizer to promote root growth. In addition, potassium nitrate solution 50PPm can be sprayed for 1-2 times to infiltrate (Priming) after sowing, and potassium can be used to promote seed germination. The general germination takes 10-15 days, and the true leaves need 20-25 days to grow. After one month, the stems begin to thicken and be jointed, and there are veins appearing and entering the fast growing period (according to the data of 11-2 months in Kunming). The warm season can be shortened slightly. In general, the seedling ages of the four seasons generally take 1.5-2 months, and the winter cold season takes 3 months. True leaves 2-3 can be implanted into a 104-well plug. True leaves 4-5 were planted into 78-hole trays or 7-cm pots. The medium can be peat soil or rot leaf clay 1 part, garden soil 1 part, sand 1 part, and add appropriate amount of manure, superphosphate and compound fertilizer. Put on shading after prosthesis and maintain a high humidity, especially air humidity, the medium should be kept moist, but do not put it under strong light (shade at noon). After the survival of the soil, the soil should be kept dry, and the humidity should not be too high, so as to avoid rot of the leaves, no hair roots, salt and alkali resistance, and when the salt content is too large, the leaves lose their greenness and wilt. The root salt should be washed off or watered with acetic acid. After pouring, the leaves should be flushed with clean water to avoid damage. The growth of the late seedlings is faster, but nutrients should not be supplied too much, so as not to cause fertilizer damage, the seedlings die (symptoms are that the leaves are darker, softer, rot, and even white powder on the leaf surface is dead). Therefore, the application of fertilization should be based on the principle of "fertilizing thinly and applying fertilizers." At the same time, different fertilizers have different effects on the four seasons. If the plant is tall and spread outward, but there is little flowering, it shows that the ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is excessive, and the plants are too short and small, and the leaf scorch shows that calcium and magnesium are missing. Appropriate fertilizer should be selected according to the specific situation. Suitable shading should be carried out during the high temperature period in summer or at 11-15 noon. When the bud began to appear buds. The four-season begonias are well-developed and grow vigorously. During the growth period, fertilizer and water management should be paid attention. Every week, thin fertilizers and water should be chased once and 150-200ppm of compound fertilizer should be suitable. Watering should be sufficient to keep the basin moist, but not too wet, and ventilation should be strengthened. In winter, watering should be appropriately reduced. In the process of cultivation, individual leggy branches are required to be topping to promote the blooming of lateral branches and maintain a good plant shape. After flowering, cut flowers and promote new techniques. At this time, watering should be controlled. After the new strains are sent out, normal management can be continued and flowers can bloom. Generally, the plant grows weak after 2 years and the plant shape is not perfect. In production, it is usually cultivated for one year. However, perennial cultivation can be done in horticulture. The four-season begonias are resistant to direct sunlight and rain in the summer and should be shaded and protected from rain. Winter enjoys plenty of sunshine. When there is not enough light, the growth is weak, the plants are slender, the leaf color and the flower color become lighter, the light is too strong, the leaves shrink, and there are focal spots. When the fertilizer is insufficient, the plants are short and the leaves are red. In addition, under the conditions of winter plant cultivation, the plants are prone to unilateral growth, and the pots need to be rotated frequently to make the lighting uniform and maintain a good plant shape. Diseases and Insect Pest Control Common diseases include powdery mildew, bacterial blight, insect pests such as aphids, powdered shells, and red spiders. To prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests and infections, refer to the following methods: Environmental control: High temperature and high humidity are favorable to pathogens Breeding, so cultivation should avoid close planting to facilitate ventilation. When greenhouses are planted, if the climate is at a large temperature difference between day and night, watering in the evening should be avoided to prevent the night temperature from falling, resulting in excessive humidity and even condensation of water. In addition, proper control of temperature can also inhibit disease transmission. Keep clean: If infected plants and leaves should be removed or removed immediately. Avoid wetting the blades when watering. Chemical control: The use of various fungicides can effectively prevent or suppress the spread of pests and diseases. In addition, when the weather is hot and rainy, the weather is humid and it is easy to cause stem rot. To take axillary seedlings for asexual reproduction, it should not be carried out here, so as to prevent the mother plant from being contaminated for a long time, resulting in rot of cuttings, not easy to take root, or grow into unhealthy Plants. China Agricultural Network Editor

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