Keys of fig reproduction and cultivation techniques

Figs, native to Mediterranean countries, are one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world and were introduced to China as early as the Han Dynasty. The fig is an invisible inflorescence formed by the enlargement of the receptacle. The floret is hidden in the receptacle. People can only see the artificial fruit formed by the receptacle and cannot see the flowers. It is called "fig" and is a perennial deciduous fruit tree. The figs have a longer period of time, with Xiaguo and Qiuguo. The adaptability of figs is strong, and the soil does not require strict requirements. The environment can grow normally when the temperature is not lower than minus 12 °C. In the cold season of northern China, cold insulation measures can be taken and plants can be planted. Drought-resistant, shade-tolerant, alkali-resistant, with fast-growing, early fruit, high yield advantages. There are many kinds of propagation of figs, generally using cutting propagation, in most months of the year, cuttings can be inserted, and the survival rate is high. Cutting seedlings can be planted in the early spring of the next year, and some can even result in the same year and soon enter the fruitful period. The yield is very high and the yield per mu can reach more than 1,000 kg. First, cuttings and acres of technical points 1. The choice of soil is to use saline-free soil. Although it is resistant to salinity, it contains slightly higher salinity and is vulnerable to death in the cutting stage. It should be soil with fertile sandy soil and high organic matter content. 2. The cuttings should be collected when the sap is stopped flowing after the fall of the leaves in autumn. The mother tree or the root of the mother tree trunk is used for cutting. To protect the quality of the storage, the cuttings should be soaked in clean water for about 3 days before storage. After fishing, a layer of sand is cut and a suitable amount of water is poured. To keep the soil moist. 3. The cutting method is to use cuttings with a suitable thickness, smooth cut days, no clefts, and a length of about 20 cm for cutting. It is necessary to place the land finely and fertilize the bed in accordance with local conditions. Generally, the bed width is 50 cm, the height of the bed is about 33 cm or 35 cm, and the gong is about 35 centimeters long. With the cuttings, with cuttings, with watering, cutting depth 17-18 cm. The cutting time should be about 3 days before the local root healing period. At this time, cuttings can reduce the influence of bad weather from outside, and the healing speed is fast. 4. Although cuttings are easy to heal and root after management of cuttings, it is also necessary to pay attention to the management after cuttings. The management points are as follows: 1 The formation period of healing tissues requires high temperature, and the ground temperature should be raised in time; at the same time, the water supply must be strengthened. Healing Rooting Later in the rooting period, a large number of hair roots are produced by cuttings. At this time, the temperature gradually rises, and attention should be paid to increasing soil moisture. 2 After healing and rooting, avoid pouring muddy water to prevent muddy leaf from appearing. Attention should be paid to low bed cuttings. (3) Stick to soil watering, soil moisture should be less or not poured if the soil is soiled. Drought should be more watering, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist; 4 fig seedlings are not cold-resistant, cold (warm) insulation work should be done before the first freezing or pouring cold, the simple method is to cover the soil or cover the straw, leaves , Rice straw and other coverings; 5 When the seedlings enter the vegetative growth period, adhere to a monthly application of nitrogen-based compound fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer is gradually increased as the seedling grows, and with the deepening of the seedling root system, the effect of deep furrow application is better, but it is necessary to pay attention to avoid rooting when applying fertilizer. Second, fig cultivation points 1. Planting can be planted or cultivated in barren slopes, pastoral areas, and gardens. The use of wasteland, pastoral, courtyard and other cultivation, the density of its colonization is generally appropriate to increase the density can be used 1 meters 2 meters, planting a single pit deep 50 - 70 cm. Diameter is 40--60 cm. Base fertilizer is mixed fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium (such as livestock and poultry, poultry manure, green manure, cake fertilizer, and chemical compound fertilizer). The suitable period for planting should be before and after Ching Ming in North China, and before and after Gu Yu in northeast China. The south can be planted after autumn leaves after transplanting. For potted plants, they can be transplanted and planted at any time during the year, but they should avoid the fruiting period. 2. Plastic pruning trim fig plastic trim is relatively simple, pruning and plastic surgery technology requirements are not high, generally using multi-branches naturally happy shape pruning method, but the whole plant to retain 3? Main branch, leaving no side branches, the main branch group directly in the main Branches. During the saplings, we will focus on the cultivation of the main branch and pay attention to raising the main branch angle to promote multiple shoots and achieve rapid expansion of the crown. After entering the initial fruit period, do a good job of multi-cultivation branches in order to promote the formation of a certain amount of production. During the fruit period, attention should be paid to cultivating the backbone branches, and the large and medium-sized branch groups should be replaced with the weak branch group. For the tree senescence or serious diseases and pests, the main branch or branch group can be re-cultivated by using sprouting twigs or secreted shoots from the base or branches. Figs begin in mid-July and mature through November. The picking of figs should generally be performed on a sunny morning or early evening. See the ripening fruit with a small hole at the top and picking the color of the intrinsic varieties (multiple dividends and yellow varieties). Over ripe fruits are not resistant to storage and transport after harvest. 3. Fertilizer management fig growth period of saplings, such as basal fertilizer deficiency should be fertilizer. The method is to apply about 5 kilograms of fermented miscellaneous manure about 40 centimeters away from the main root, and apply at least 1 kilogram to the potted plant. Mature tree strains are applied to about 15 kilograms of decomposed agricultural fertilizer, potted ones are applied to about 2 kilograms, and base fertilizers are applied before and after the fallen leaves. The top dressing should be suitable for the long-term growth of new shoots and rapid fruit expansion. Figs are more fruit trees tolerant to fertilization, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be given priority, and the ratio of nitrogen to potassium is generally 0.5:1:1. Because it is more tolerant to drought and irritability, new shoot growth and fruit expansion require larger amounts of water, but long-term exposure to water or heavy water can easily result in falling, falling fruit, fallen leaves, or even death. Therefore, we must pay attention to good drainage. drain. Potted plants should also pay attention to drainage, especially after heavy rain or heavy rain and even rainy season, pay attention to sheltering or pouring water. 4. Pay attention to the control of pests and diseases less occurrence of pests and figs. During the fruit growing period, the special odor emitted to the surroundings can easily cause damage to the mulberry; if the fruit matures, it is susceptible to damage by birds. In addition to manually catching Sang Tianniu and driving away birds, eggs can be killed manually or with drugs. Scarecrow can also be used to insert plastic colored bars into the field to drive birds. China Agricultural Network Editor

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